Friday, February 27, 2015

March 2015 Newsletter

Little Foot @ The Bay Area Discovery Museum

So much growth is taking place at Little Foot! Watching the kids grow, make discoveries and build friendship is amazing. I am so honored to be able to spend so much time with these little ones and really get to know them. Each and everyone of them is blossoming with creativity, independence, language and critical thinking skills. Our reward is the love and knowledge gained that is reflected back to us and it's the best gift ever.

Important Dates to Remember:

  • Monday March 30th - Friday April 3rd - Closed for Spring Break
We hope that enjoy our Snap Shots!

We have been CRAZY about puzzles!!!
Anna working on a puzzle by herself.

We will need to start timing her soon.

Chase, Mila & Anna doing an Alphabet puzzle together.

Almost done!

Saparya with her first jig saw puzzle.

Hooray, you did it!

Identifying Shapes

Luna Love:

Luna watching over Juliet.

Taking a nap with Anna.

Getting some love from the girls.

And more love from the boys.

Napping with Saparya.
The Bay Area Discovery Museum trip:

Waiting to get in with our line of partners.

Snack Time with a view!

Fun in the Construction Zone.

The girls working as a team.

Juliet putting some muscle into it.

Chase is working hard.

Go girls!

Saparya is onto loading now.
 Duck Feeding at Stow Lake:

Anna leading the little ones to the ducks.

Hello geese and ducks, we're here!

Mateo enjoying some quiet time feeding the ducks.

After an intimidating encounter Anna feeds the "nice" goose.

Juliet makes sure to keep Dylan safe.

Winter Days on the deck in San Francisco:

Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily life is but a dream.

"This is Awesome!"

Row Row Row your boat!

Such pretty hair.
His first time on the see saw.


Ticket Station.