Happy New Years!!! I hope that everyone had a great time over the holidays with friends and family and that your little one didn't make you too crazy over winter break. Mateo and I really enjoyed your cards and gifts, Thank you, we really appreciate your kinds words and best wishes and hope that the little one enjoyed their's as well.
We were nice and busy with activities and projects in December. We made so many different kinds of ornaments, cookies and decorations. We had lots of sensory experiences, exploring with paints, dough and instant snow! We're wrapping up our long alphabet lessons with just X Y and Z to go. We look forward to playing around with numbers some more and strengthening letter, shapes and color recognition. We also look forward to making new friends this year.

We would like to introduce you to our new friend, Chase.
Chase starts next week and I can honestly say that I am really excited about him starting with us. Monica and Chase have already had the chance to get to know each other a little bit, just right before the break, and the kids got to meet him, too. Chase just turned one, he is really cute, sweet, gentle and curious. We can't wait for him to get to know us and our routine. His Buddy, Avi, will join us later this year!
Important Dates to Remember:
- Monday, January 20th, Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Friday, January, 31st, Closed for Lunar New Year
All About Mila:
I've got the keys! |
This 18 month old can be soooo silly! Her developing personality shows itself daily. She likes to keep her eye on you and stay close by. She is independent yet at times demands that 1 on 1 QT (Quality Time). She is always happy, ready for anything and is very clear on her opinions. She is mimicking sounds and will repeat words she hears in English and German. She surprises me with new words all the time and is clear. Not very excited about signing at Little Foot although we do hear that she uses it at home sometimes. She definitely know the sign for cracker, more, and done.
Peek-a-boo, I see you! |
Mila, where the keys go? |
All About Kazu:
Are you sure you have enough, Kazu? |
The cow says "Moo". |
19 month old, Kazu, has been busy producing pearly whites. He has been such a trooper and can't seem to catch a break, it's been one tooth after another. His friends Bear, Cow, and pacifier have been dedicated and supportive the whole time, practically never leaving his side. All of this discomfort has lead to some experimentation with cause and effect. If we could see into his thoughts it would probably go something like..." Let's just see what happens when I...o, right! Time out!" because he is really enjoying putting himself in time out at home. Luckily, this is just a phase, but at last he is 1 and we will continue to gently remind him that it makes our friends sad when we take things away and hitting hurts. Kazu is babbling a lot, he doesn't seem to have the patience for signing and wants what he wants now. He wants to talk and can say a few words, surprising us all the time
Chef Kazu cooking up lunch. |
How many do we need for this box? |
All About Sienna:
I forget sometimes that Sienna has practically spent her whole life with us at Little Foot, she has grown so
Pushing a bunny on the swing. |
much, has learned so much and she'll be 3 in just a few months! She is constantly talking, telling stories, recalling memories and events, and just being inquisitive. She loves being the big girl at Little Foot, always moving, taking care of the little ones by offering toys or their cups, and being a handful. We're still working on getting #2 in the toilet but she keeps her undies and her bed dry at nap and that's a big accomplishment. She enjoys her independence and choice making. She is so smart. She knows her colors and letters, is learning how to count and is working on remembering to be slower around the younger one.
This is how big girls concentrate. |
All About Mateo and Claire:
Can you believe that these two, at some point this year, will be turning 4? They continue to soak up everything like sponges, question and examine facts, tell funny stories and embody characters in dramatic play. They are so grown compared their younger friends yet fall to pieces just as easily. I love how much they love each other and pick up every week as if they were just together yesterday.
Mateo is currently working on social interactions at school with boys his age. He just learned how to play picture dominoes, has been drawing up a storm, grown like a weed and had ear tubes put in, in December.
Playing with Instant Snow. |
Music Snap Shots:
What's in the bag, Mila? |
It's a Pig! |
The dogs at the park..... |
say "Bark, Bark, Bark". |
Salt Dough Ornament Making Snap Shots:
First we measure out the salt, |
then we measure out the flour |
add water, |
and mix |
and mix, |
and mix, |
and mix, |
until the dough is just right. |
Time to decorate! |
Cookie Making Snap Shots:
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