These girls are getting so close to each other. |
Happy 2016 Folks!! Here we go again, another year of firsts, accomplishes to make, challenges to overcome, lessons to learn, memories to make, and time to share with family and friends. Whether you set a new year resolutions for yourself or not, I wish us all a safe, healthy, happy and prosperous new year.
Mila and Anna in 2014 |
Changes are just around the corner for us at Little Foot. We have a Mid-Year Graduation coming up. January will be our last month with Anna and Mila. These girls were just babies when they started at Little Foot. They have learned so much from walking to writing some numbers and letters. I have had the privilege to watch them learn, grow and develop into the little creatures that they are. It will be hard to say good-bye, it's always so hard to say good-bye, but we are so grateful that we will be able to continue to see them and have the same opportunities with their siblings. We are also very excited about have a little guy, David, join us in February.
The girls are camping and are warm and cozy. |
Important Dates to Remember:
- Monday, Jan. 18th - Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Thursday, Jan. 28th - Graduation @ 5pm for Anna & Mila
I came through as I promised. I made sure to take pictures last month to share with you. It was a pretty short month as we had a two weeks off for winter break, but that did not hold us back. We made so many cool things for the holidays that will surely last for years to come. Here are a few of them:
Do You Want To Build A Snowman?
This project was a work in progress. We made sure to begin at the beginning of the month to allow plenty of time for each child to sew and stuff their snowman. We couldn't resist playing the song from Frozen (you know the one, Do you want to build a snowman?) over and over again as we took our sweet time to build a snowman. The children worked with a real needle and thread! I did all the knotting for them and sewed each ball of snow together after they had sewn them. The kids did the rest.
First we started from the bottom up and sewed two pieces of felt together. |
We left a small opening and stuffed the snowball with cotton balls. |
They each picked out the colored buttons for their snowman and arranged them. |
After sewing the buttons into place it was time for more stuffing. |
Then it was time to arrange his face and sew the pieces on. |
And there he is! |
Juliet Teaches us how to count to 6...I mean she learns how. LOL
Me:" Juliet, how many do you have?"
Juliet:" Well....." |
"One..." |
"Six" |
What happens when you add Borax to water and let a pipe cleaner sit in it? Icicles!!
First, you measure out 3 tbsp of borax per cup of HOT water. |
Pour the borax into the water, careful it's HOT. |
Then stir it really well. |
Curl a pipe cleaner around a pencil and allow it to hang in a glass cup or jar w/o letting it touch the sides or bottom. It can sit for as long as you want it to, our's sat overnight and then some. See for yourself what happens, they are beautiful. |
Snap Shots!
Taking turns playing Dr., Patient & Nurse. |
There is always a book open at Little Foot. |
Luna taking over Anna's bed to get his cuddles in. |
The moment you stand back to look at what you just did. |
Apple Cinnamon Ornaments in the making. |
Saparya and Dylan, Sienna's baby brother. |
Lavina and Dylan on one of the two days he was visiting with us. |
Our Star Project. |
Lavina's first lunch, Avocado. |
Play time at Peek-A-Boo Factory. |
Theresa never gets enough of Lavina. |
These girls can accomplish anything they put their mind to! |
Peek-A-Boo! Can you find Juliet? |
They say peace and love make the world go around. |
Happy New Year!!!