February, the month we celebrate love, show it, eat it, and give it to the ones we are closest to. This month we will continue to focus on numbers, letters, sensory play and learn a little bit about Chinese New Year. Last month we started working on our alphabet books; every time we learn a new letter we paste pictures of items that start with that letter to a page we will put in our book. We have many things on our environment that start with letters we are working on and we point them out. We are also working on number concepts, with books, music, play, and daily life (Ex.counting out chairs we need, the wheels on the car, etc.).
Don't forget to scroll down for more great photos and memories shared with the kids! |
Important Dates to Remember:
- Monday, Feb. 11th-Closed for Lunar New Year
- Thursday, Feb 14th-Valentines Day Party
- Monday, Feb 18th-Closed for President's Day
All About Kazu!
Isn't he the cutest polar bear ever? |
His face says it all! Kazu is the happiest little guy ever and he is such a joy to be around. In the past few months Kazu has really made himself at home. Although he can sit up, he is constantly exploring our environment and the army crawl is his best tactic. Once in awhile he will pull himself up to check out what is on the shelf or to get a better look at something that's higher up off the ground. He is a very calm and easy going little guy. He enjoys being around the other children and is perfectly fine with his own agenda. .
He enjoyed having his gums iced. |
Kazu recently cut his first two front bottom teeth
and has no problem showing them off. Poor guy
handled it as well as he could but it sure was rough.
On a walk around the neighborhood. |

Kazu enjoys being apart of the group at meal times. He can't seem to get enough food and is always grunting for more. He just started getting interested in table food and has experimented with banana, orange, kiwi, cheese and turkey. Kazu definetly has an ear for music and really enjoys the class, just start singing a tune and the look on his face says it all!
Water Play |
Thank you for donating the ears Mommy! |
All About Tyson!
Cars, trains, buses, planes and anything that goes is O.K. in Tyson's book right now. If you have been around Tyson lately you know he one. His newly discovery of independence is proving to be a disappointment sometimes. He is very inquisitive, focused, and determined. He is learning about cause and effect and gosh darn it's frustrating when things just aren't working out the way that he wants them to.
Climbing up the staircase. |
Gluing with a paint brush |
Tyson just joined the big kid table for snack recently and is really excited about. It's tough staying at the table sometimes but he loves the freedom he now has to leave when he's done and continue to explore, experiment and climb. he just learned how to climb up and the couch and show off what he can do on it (all the moves to make your hurt jump: run, bounce, jump, stand, and occasionally fall off!).
Peek-A-Boo! |
Where's Tyson? |
When Tyson is isn't front and center at music class he's in the back observing, just standing back and taking it all in, the level of concentration on his face is more than enough cuteness for hugs and smooches. Tyson loves, loves, loves, (did I say love?) art work and is quite the artist, don't even think about leaving him out, it'll make him sad : ( He uses the signs for: milk, sleep, eat, pacifier, down, more, all done, and shoes.
How high can you build it T? |
Water play |
Ask Tyson what sound a truck makes : ) |
Sitting like a big kid. |
All About Sienna!

Sigh, Sienna, Sienna, Sienna, this little one will keep you on your toes. She is fast, stubborn, and very smart. She knows what's she's doing and does it well.

Sienna loves Little Foot and on most days she can't get enough. When she isn't busy painting, eating, playing with the doll house, or caring for a baby doll, she is either being very maternal or one, lol. She's discovered the art of teasing and sure gets a kick out of it, it works best with Mateo and he's her favorite target and visa versa.
Walk? No, Run!!! |
Climbing up the staircase.
Sienna is constantly talking and learning new words, her language is getting clearer and it's becoming easier to understand her, she doesn't mind being misunderstood she enjoys the attention and connection.
Stopping to check on Kazu |
Putting together a puzzle. |
Playing at the sink with Tyson. |
Flushing the toilet in the doll house. |
All About Claire!
Walking on Money! |
It's so much fun to watch Claire blossom, She has grown so much, and it's an honor to care for her. Everyday with Claire is a new day, she can be really observant, energetic, spontaneous, sweet, stubborn, and cuddly. She loves to participate when it's appealing and is enjoys playing in small groups.
Helping her baby down the slide. |
Pushing the truck on the deck. |
Claire is refusing to eat anything pureed for us with the exception of yogurt, which she gave up a few months ago. She wants nothing to do with assisted feedings and only wants solid foods. She is now taking food off of our communal snack plate and experimenting with different flavors and textures.
Doing some puzzle cards. |
Playing with legos. |
When Claire is involved it's not easy to get her attention, she can become so focused on what she is doing or wanting to do that it's hard to redirect her train of thought.
Just after nap, play time with Tay. |
Water Play. |
We've been very successful in introducing different sensory experiences for Claire. For the most part it takes a little bit of encouragement, opportunity, enthusiasm and the rest is up to her.
All About Sigal!
"I'm a cat." |
Fun in Tay's room, on the way to get Claire. |
Sigal, I could eat this one alive, she's so tasty. I wish we had Sigal with us more often, she brings so much light to Little Foot. Sigal is so intelligent, she amazes us the her vocabulary, imagination and grace.
She's sweet, kind, caring, very maternal and at the same time, very stubborn and sassy.
Going on a trip. |
"Hi, we're making pizza. Want some?" |
Sigal's play is very involed these days, she inspires the other kids with fun ideas. Her favorite games to play always involve taking care of a baby. She often "travels", takes care of her babies by taking them to their check ups and likes to pretend to cook for them and then feed them.
Taking a nap after the trip. |
One of the many discoveries on a walk. |
She is one of my cops at Little Foot (Mateo is the other) and knows right from wrong. She is very helpful when it comes to clean up time and is always up for art especially if it involves stickers.
Sigal has accompanied us to music class a few times and really enjoys it, she loves story time, dancing, and singing.
All About Mateo!
Mateo, He sure does think he runs this place. At his best, he is helpful, loving, considerate, funny, spontaneous, and adventurous, but he sure can drive his Mama and his friends up the wall.
My little Monster is really creative, he is always looking for a friend to engage with to play, read, dance, sing, and explore with.
He loves his friends and is always looking out for them.
He is always busy doing something, either by himself or with a friend. He loves to tickle his friends and is always ready for a good laugh. He wants to be useful and is so proud to be a big boy.
He is completely potty trained and sleeps in a twin "big boy" bed. He can now count to 10.
Pushing Kazu in the stroller. |
The boat floats. |
Made a bed for Spunky, his dog. |
How high can we build it?

We had some much fun on this day, the day we worked on building the blocks up as high as we could. I obviously had something to do with these first two pictures, counting the blocks as we added them on then and then having fun knocking them down. It took some practice for Tyson to learn which towers and when it was ok to knock them down, and he did so well, he even went on to build towers all by himself.
Does it float or sink?

This was such a nice an relaxing activity until our little tasmanian devil showed up and got soaking wet from head to toe. Somebody had so much so quickly that we actually had to move the water off of the ground and turn our group activity into an individual experience for each child. Non-the-less, this was really fun, everyone had such a great time, and they literally slept like babies that day. Phew.
Texture Play: Squishy vs. Hard
I hadn't planned on using raw noodles with the cooked ones but
when i placed the tray down for this textured experience i was
quickly surprised! The kids actually started eating the plain noodles
and i was to afraid to add in the hard raw beans i intended to.
They enjoyed eating the noodles so much that we ended up having
them for AM and PM snack. Oh, and they loved playing with
them too! LOL |
Snap Shots, Good Times!
Playing with the ponies. |
Always trying to pet Luna! |
A story with Monica. |
The very popular cat, Luna. |
Claire maneuvering the art of walking down hill. |
Walking up the big staircase. |
Building a house for her baby. |
Just another day at Little Foot. |
Snack Time |
Happy kids on Tay's bed after nap. |
The "big kids" |
Tyson taking notes..... |
and following by example : ) |