Hello Everybody,i'm having some difficulties with my lab top and am forced to use my new iPhone for all of my Internet needs, so I do apologize for this very short and sweet newsletter. Please take note of our Winter Break and New Year's Recup. Day feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding this very long hibernation. Happy Holidays!
Important Dates To Remember:
Closed for Winter Break/New Year's Recup. Day: Mon. Dec. 19th - Mon. Jan. 2nd
Mateo Updates:
He is learning the colors in Sign Language and we are also adding some animals into the mix, too. He is finding the music in everything these days and has really impressed us with his dancing skills. Must be the puerto rican in him :D I can tell that he really misses his playmate and is manifesting that loss of play into more envolvement with the two little ones.
Sienna updates:
This little ones is getting around and into whatever she can get her little hands on. She is very comfortable sitting up and is now twisting and turning. She has even started to rock back and forth on her knees!
Shane's Updates:
Shane's eye - hand coordination has really impressed me all of a sudden. He is also strengthing his core and holding himself up better with a nice long back. He's personality is really starting to shine through now that he is really engaging and interacting. He's really taking a liking to Mateo.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
November 2011 Newsletter
Our Scarecrow! Scary? |
Time is flying by. Nights will be getting longer, the days shorter, and families will be coming together. Get ready to turn your clocks back and gain some winter weight, LOL. With all the chaos of the holidays to come let's not forget the importance of family and how really dear they are to us. Little Foot may have suffered some loses but we are growing closer each and everyday.
Important Dates to Remember:
- Tues. Nov. 1st- All Saints Day (open)
- Wed. Nov. 2nd- El Dia De Los Muertos (open)
- Sun. Nov. 6th- Clocks fall back 1 Hr
- Fri. Nov. 11th- Closed for Veteran's Day
- Wed. Nov. 23rd - Fri. Nov. 25th- Closed for Thanksgiving Break
Congratulations to Sienna! What big strides she is taking, not only is she sitting up all by herself now but
Happy to finally meet |
Shane is also adjusting well to Little Foot although transitioning back home is a tricky balance. Shane is a very opinionated one and knows exactly what he could do without. He loves so be cozy and have all eyes on him. He likes to be apart of what's going on but also likes to observe from a distance. Shane just learned how to roll onto his side where he can reach for colorful objects and naw on them without them escaping his grasp. He's also managed to roll all the way over onto his tummy, his arms get trapped under his body which isn't much fun, but each time he does it it gets less scary. I'm sure he'll be doing push ups in no time!
![]() |
Recuperating with Spunky after surgery. |
Mateo's surgery went very well. We woke up bright and early and went straight to the hospital to get ready. I was worried about food and drinks, the first thing Mateo wants to do when he wakes is eat and drink, but he was so distracted that it wasn't an issue. All of the nurses and Dr.s were very kind and thorough. Our biggest surprise was having my very first nanny client, Gretchen Wengenroth, in the operating room. I started caring for Miles when he was 9 months old and he is now 10! Talk about how time flies, am I really that old? LOL Mateo's procedures only took about an hour, he woke up from the anesthesia without any problems and after a few hours of napping he was ready to eat and play.
In the past month Mateo has really learned and acknowledged a lot. He has acknowledge that babies are different, they can't eat food, walk, and need gentle interactions. He cares for the babies very much and will try to console them when they are unhappy by patting their back, stroking their head (sometimes face, haha) and getting them a toy to play with. He has tried to bottle feed them, too. His interest in verbal language has really sprouted, here are some of the words he is working on: Ball, Broom, Thank You, Up, Off, On, Out, Meow, Mama, Dada, No. Here are some of his new signs: Please, Drink, Help, Open, Close. He has also discovered his belly button, nipples, eyes, ears, nose, nostrils and hair. The other day he pulled his shirt over his head (after I helped put it on his head) and then put his arms through the sleeves by himself!
Learning how to clean up. |
Speaking of losses, our beloved 5 yr old cat Ciello past away unexpectedly on October 15th. We adopted him when he was an itty bitty thing no bigger than your hand. He was too young to take home so we had to wait patiently for two whole weeks just to bring him home, he was 8 weeks old. Ciello was very effectionate from the start, he loved to cuddle up to you and be carried by your face. He was so small that we were afraid to let him round Luna and Estrella who are two years older than he. It was quite awhile before we actually introduced them to each other but once we did we could see who wanted to be alpha. We still remember when he pranced around the house sideways with the fur from his neck down to his back standing straight up. After his first two years he finally settled down at night and began to cuddle up with us in bed and sleep. Anybody who has raised a kitten knows exactly what I'm talking about when I say our nights were finally peaceful agian. LOL Ciello was an extremely great cat and we are so fortunate to have had him in our lives and in the meet Mateo. This dog-cat as we called him, was so sweet, he would greet us at the door, follow you all around the house and watch over Mateo and the other children in the house. We miss him, and no other kitty will ever fill our hearts as much as he did.
Camila and Ciello on her first day. |
May you R.I.P Ciello. |
The Holiday season is right around the cornor! Let's not forget about the POA (Police Officer Association) and their "Parade of Stars" show on Sunday December 18, 2011 at the McKenna Theatre at S.F State University. Aprogram benifitting the POA and PAL (Police Athlectic League) a program dedicated to children and their communities by bringing activities and sports into their lives. Officers put their lives on the line for us everyday so let's support them in their efforts by contributing $10 which will help to send a less than fortunate family of five to this event in our place.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
October 2011 Newsletter
A walk around Stow Lake. |
Important Dates to Remember:
- Monday, Oct. 10th-Closed for Columbus/Indigenous People's Day
- Friday, Oct 21st-Closed for Mateo's surgery
- Thursday, Oct. 27th-Kimberly's 29th Birthday!
- Monday, Oct. 31st-Halloween
Welcome Shane to Little Foot Daycare! |
This month we look forward to getting to know 5 month old Shane and making him comfortable. Shane will join us on a Tuesday or Thursday and sometimes both. I can't wait for Shane and Sienna to meet, I just know that they will become good friends. Mateo and Camila have already had the pleasure of meeting this future fireman and think he's really cool.
Just recently I learned that my "waiting-to-be-assistant" has made some changes of her own. Lauren quit her job in Noe Valley and has moved to Sonoma. I'm not sure what the future holds for her but I wish her well. What does this mean for Little Foot Daycare? I am unable to hire an assistant at this time, but plan to hire one in the future when enrollment is up to capacity, I need help, and can afford to hire. I have a total of 4 children enrolled at this time (including Mateo) all under 24 months old 2 days a week. I can legally have only 4 under 24 months on a day. However, I currently have 3 days available so I may enroll some new children or at least 1 so that Mateo has a playmate in his age group. Taking our daily walk this month might be tricky when I have all four; I may have a neighbor who is willing to assist us. If worst comes to worst we may have to take a loss on our walk a few times this month.
6 Month old Sienna has made a fine adjustment. She is a very happy go lucky baby and is really happy to be around Mateo and Camila. They are learning how to be gentle with her and constantly offer her toys, check on her, and give her pats on the back. Sienna is also really interested in the older kids as well as the cats. She watches intently as they babble and tries to join in on the conversation. She loves to spend most of her time on her tummy, like an airplane, and is very fast. One minute she is happily playing in one direction and in the blink of an eye she is facing the opposite direction. She is working on sitting with assistance.
At the Children's Playground in Golden Gate Park. |
Camila and Mateo have been so busy. Their new favorite game is to run away and be chased. I am so lucky that we don't play that game in the street! They definitely want to do everything for themselves right now and it can be a very frustrating situation if they get help they don't want. I have been respecting their request and encouraging them to keep at it, it can be a real struggle otherwise. They have been getting along so much better this past month. They are learning how to communicate alittle better with each other and will shake their head "no" when they don't like something the other one is doing. They continue to occasionally share, offer each other food and toys, sit together and look at books, dance and do art. They have become aware of sirens and all things that fly in the sky, even the public emergency alarm that goes off at noon on Tuesdays. Whenever they hear one they stop and listen. We sometimes run outside to spot the plane, helicopter or bird and then we try to imitate the sound that we hear. We have been so lucky to have a flock of parrots fly by, hang out on the trees, and play on the wires.
The SFPOA ( San Francisco Police Officers Association) has asked us for support. On Sunday, December 18th at 1pm they will present their annual "Parade Of Stars" show at the McKenna Theatre at S.F State University. We have been given the opportunity to attend the show with a purchased ticket of $40 admitting 5 or we can make a donation to send a less fortunate family by donating $10. Let's show our appreciation for San Francisco police officers and support their efforts to give back to children in the Bay Area. Please make your contribution with me!
Are you ready to go for a walk? I think so, do I have to wear this hat? |
Thursday, August 25, 2011
September Newsletter
This month we'd like to welcome Sienna to Little Foot Daycare. We look forward to getting to know her and helping her settled in. Our Summer days or coming to a close as we embrace more of a Fall like weather. We continue to look for sunshine and take advantage of those last summer days. We've enjoyed beautiful fragrant flowers and have taken notice to birds and are fascinated as they fly in the sky. This month we look forward to brightening up your walls with more colorful paintings and art work. And maybe some trips to Stow Lake.
Important Dates:
Monday Sept. 5th- Closed for Labor Day
Friday Sept. 23rd- Mateo's Surgery
Small Motor Activities:
The kids have really enjoyed their new found art skills and can't seem to get enough. Not only did the kids get introduced to paint last month but they have also learned how to use stickers and are working with crayons and paint brush markers as well. Camila was a pro at stickers from the very start, she has great eye-hand coordination, and I believe that she prefers using them the most. She has a great time making colors on the paper with the crayons and markers, but doesn't like to get too messy with the paint. Mateo had a tricky time with stickers in the beginning but has made such an improvement, he can use them all by himself now. He loves to have fun with the paint and markers. We are now combining the use of these materials and can't wait to share our art with you.
Large Motor Activities:
Woo hoo for dance parties. The kids love music, from arms in the air to bouncing squats, they love to dance and exercise different moves. Their favorite songs include: If Your Happy and You Know It, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and Old McDonald. We're learning that toys are not for throwing. We're being reminded that we can throw balls and have such a good time doing it. We play alittle golf, baseball, soccor, and basketball, too.
New Accomplishments:
Hitting/Grabbing-I verbally tell the offender that it is not ok to hit/grab, I console the victum while telling the offender that it hurt and that it makes him/her cry or that he/she doesn't like that. If the attacks continues I move the child into the other room, tell them it's not ok and walk away. (I hope to discourage this behavior by giving them the idea that we don't want to be around them when they are going to hurt us) The behavior usually stops right away.
Fun Facts:
Now we have more room on the deck play area! |
Our First Experience with Paint Brush Markers |
Monday Sept. 5th- Closed for Labor Day
Friday Sept. 23rd- Mateo's Surgery
Small Motor Activities:
The kids have really enjoyed their new found art skills and can't seem to get enough. Not only did the kids get introduced to paint last month but they have also learned how to use stickers and are working with crayons and paint brush markers as well. Camila was a pro at stickers from the very start, she has great eye-hand coordination, and I believe that she prefers using them the most. She has a great time making colors on the paper with the crayons and markers, but doesn't like to get too messy with the paint. Mateo had a tricky time with stickers in the beginning but has made such an improvement, he can use them all by himself now. He loves to have fun with the paint and markers. We are now combining the use of these materials and can't wait to share our art with you.
Large Motor Activities:
Woo hoo for dance parties. The kids love music, from arms in the air to bouncing squats, they love to dance and exercise different moves. Their favorite songs include: If Your Happy and You Know It, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and Old McDonald. We're learning that toys are not for throwing. We're being reminded that we can throw balls and have such a good time doing it. We play alittle golf, baseball, soccor, and basketball, too.
New Accomplishments:
- Camila and Mateo can now get themselves on and off the rocking horse, riding car and dinosaur
- Miss dare devil Camila stands on the chair and dinosaur
- Mateo cuts two teeth
- They are both spoon feeding themselve
- Camila's first words! "Hello", "Hi", "Thank You" and "There you go" all in english!
- Mateo learns how to blow from his nose and mouth
- Kimberly teaches herself the alphabet in American Sign Language
Experimenting with the Chairs |
We are definetily in the cause and effect stage. Here are some of the things we are working on and how we are handling it:
Throwing food off the highchair-I remind them that we eat the food. They usually always say "o, oh" as they throw the food, which tells me that they know what they are doing, and I discourage the behavior by taking them out of the chair saying, "it looks like your done with snack" and then we clean up our mess.
Fun Facts:
- Mateo brings toys to Camila when she can't play, like: in the highchair when she is still eating or on the changing table.
- Camila presents Mateo with play ideas and brings him toys.
- Mateo tries to hug Camila, whoops, they usually end up on the floor.
- They share...sometimes.
- While talking to someone we met on our walk, Camila claps her hands to get my attention and demands that we continue our walk using the sign for "more".
Thursday, July 14, 2011
August 2011 Newsletter
August 2011 Newsletter
Camila playing in the pool. |
Good work to our Little Ones for working so hard on cutting new teeth. Congratulations Camila on your 1st tooth! Congratulations to Mateo on your 1st Molar! All the pain, fever, and rough nights have certainly paid of with your new pearly whites. Don't forget to brush.
Peek-A-Boo! I see you! |
We have really been working on our gross motor skills with our new discovery of walking. We were introduced to a long tunnel to promote spacial awareness and achevment as we get from one end of the tunnel to the other. With all this drizzly weather we have brought the outdoor play in with a slide. We are learning to climb, slide, squeeze through small spaces and take turns.
Mateo giving Camila ger cup to drink from. |
Special Offer: Earn 4 hours of free babysitting for every family you recuit to enroll at Kimberly's Little Foot Daycare.
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